Thursday, November 12, 2009

Bye Bye Bon Vivant

That name is stupid now and doesnt make much sense. While I still like eating and thinking and writing about food, the title does not fit. Comment here if you have any ideas!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Holy guac- I haven't blogged in a whiiillllleee.

I don't know why I haven't written. I've been doing nothing with my life. I take that back, if you count finishing Julie and Julia THE BOOK in three days and watching a boat load of The Food Network I've actually been pretty busy.

The book was good, it wasnt life changing or anything but I could not stop reading it. It made me want to cook French food though. Strike that. It made me want to eat French food and never attempt to make it because it made Julie into a hot mess.

On to brighter things:

The holidays are coming up. Thanksgiving is one of my favorites. I always feel like cooking a lot for the holidays. I plan all sorts of things. Pies, muffins, sweet potato dishes. I only ever make sweet potato casserole, but hot damn it is good. One time some one told me it was like crack. I'll take any compliment I can get. Its not like a made up the recipe myself or anything though. Its borrowed.

Thank God for the holidays approaching- I had such a mind lapse about food that I almost blogged about dog food. I hear Chef Michael's is pretty good stuff. But my dog doesn't like the green things, which is remarkable because I thought dogs were color blind. hmmmm.