Monday, October 12, 2009


Guess what? My school has been undefeated in football since 1870...Its never won a game either....Mind trick? Not really, Loyola doesnt have a footbal team- and THIS is why I never tailgated until this fall.

Boy was I missing out. Its a shame I never got to expirience how good seven layer dip, burgers, baked beans, and beer can taste on a brisk fall day. Not until recently when I went to the Michigan vs. MSU game, did I get to have all this. Theres something about the atmosphere that can change everything about the way your food tastes(not to mention how you feel about the game). Burgers rock most of the time, but sometimes (for me anyway) its just not worth it to ingest all the fat.

Game day is another story. Thank god for football and anything else that makes food-holidays out of nothing. Thanksgiving is awsome, but its only once a year. Therefore, anything that designates a day to drinking and eating fattening fare like wings, nachos, hotdogs, and everything listed above should be preserved.

Dont get your panties in a bunch.... I dont think football is going anywhere. Its the schools that dont have teams that are the bad guys here. I say Loyola students should start a revolution and go on strike until Loyola gets a football team.

Wow that was quite ranty, but I think I brought it full circle enough for you to see my point.

Football food= good
No football team= bad, takes away the joy of the game.

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