Monday, September 21, 2009

Aldi is the Bomb

By popular demand (believe it or not) I've been asked to update my blog. I don't even know how long its getting to be between posts but Ava and Katie, I'm sorry. I hope you enjoyed your shout outs.

Anyhow, since I'm so busy these days trying to get to class and sorority stuff, I barely have time to do anything. You would not believe the number of television shows I have to catch up on. Seriously man. This also means that I'm too busy to go to a big grocery store and buy all my faves in bulk like I used to....

Solution: Aldi's

I love this place. I get in and out with my weekly essentials in 20 minutes tops. This is because I'm too cheap to buy bags, so when my arms are full, I know its time to leave because nothing else will fit in my purse to be carried home. I can walk out of there with steak, lunch meat, salad, and avocados for less than $12. Can you say "bonus?"

Aldi has the best frozen food too. Pasta, stir fry, BISON BURGERS. All these things are very reasonably priced and the best part is that I don't get confused by market competition because theres only one of everything and its all cheap. There are no fancy displays distracting me, enticing me to buy 2 for 1 Doritos when I don't even want them.

So rock on Aldi's shoppers. And all you haters keep hatin' because then there's more for me.

and that's your "Daly"-no, more like weekly Dose of Bon Vivant. Ciao.

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