Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Comfort Food Pairings

We all know that certain flavor profiles go together in cooking; ginger and citrus, sweet and savory, etc. I fully subscribe to this idea, or rule of eating, that layering these certain flavors is a good idea and will make for good food.

What I am about to do is compare Jell-O to Crème Brule (I hope you appreciate the reference to "My Best Friend's Wedding"). There is a different variety of food pairing out there that I don’t really get, and that is comfort food pairings. I was intrigued by a friend the other day who was dipping pretzels in whipped cream cheese, and it made me think of all these things that people do to their food that I just don’t support.

If you haven’t noticed, I love making lists. So here is a list of weird food pairings that I think should be stopped:
· Pizza and Ranch
· Grilled Cheese and Ketchup
· Scrambled eggs and Ketchup (I am not a "ketchup hater," I swear)
· Kraft singles should be outlawed on everything besides grilled cheese
· Chips and Brownies
· Putting Syrup on Breakfast Meat
· Taco Bell Sauce on a McDouble

Now, here is a list of unique comfort food pairings that I don’t necessarily eat, but still make sense:
· Oreos and Peanut Butter
· Peanut Butter and Marshmallow Fluff Sandwiches
· French Fries in a Wendy's Shake

I certainly sound angry, but I am just on a tangent. I am not mad at the people who eat these things; I've tried some weird stuff too. This includes spreading butter on a gooey chocolate chip cookie. That however, is beside the point. My point is that I like food okay, a lot. Therefore, I don’t think it should be violated. Food is good if it can be eaten in its original state without being masked by some weird sauce. So if you can’t eat something without it, don’t.


  1. Oh Goodness, I am guilty of pizza and ranch. I have ranch with everything!! Fries, pizza, maybe even grilled cheese (sounds good!)..

    What about salsa in scrambled eggs instead of ketchup?

  2. salsa is in the safety zone Cort. No worries.

  3. You ate butter on your cookie? eeshh. lol

  4. "He orders Creme Brulee for dessert, but he doesn't want creme brulee, he wants jello." "Jello? Why does he want Jello?" I definitely appreciated the bfw shout out." Ps I think you should add "chips on sandwiches to your list of things that go well together. I believe, i've seen you eating that before. P.s.s. since you love writing lists--i believe i have a hold blog on the subject-check it.
