Sunday, August 2, 2009

What am I going to do with myself?

I am a planner. I plan everything and I plan things too far ahead of time. For instance I know what I will probably make for lunch tomorrow. Whatever.

If this blog serves no other purpose, at least this post will remind me about the plans I've made for the future. I make a new plan everyday. Most of them are contingency plans since I'm planning (or is it more like 'banking?') on the fact that I will not be able to get a real world job when I graduate.

If I'm not going to be a magazine food critic, PR agent, or entertainment reporter after I earn my Communications degree, I'm moving back in with my parents and from there will:

1) Apply to culinary school
2) Intern for free at a news station
3) Start a business (which I wont reveal because I actually think its a great idea)
4)Marry a rich guy
5) and if all else fails, Ill be a waitress

ponder that.

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