Saturday, August 1, 2009

My First Blog

So I feel like the new kid in school, except by school I mean blogging and I have never been the new kid. However, I'm assuming this is what it feels like... I'm nervous that I will be bad at this, that I will run out of good ideas, that no one will read it or heaven forbid even find this thing among all the other places one can travel to on the web (I hear new kids feel invisible after the first day of being stared at). I'm sure my family will read because I'll tell them to (Hi Mom!). But it isn't the same. I hope that these "random thoughts" I speak of in my profile will actually be interesting to other people. Hold on-- I'm having one right now.

Do a lot of people think that their lives would make for great reality TV? I know I've thought this at least once before, but I wonder if everyone else thinks this and secretly dreams of having their own show.

Anyway, I'm not about to go on Rock of Love Bus to launch my food writing career-so blogging seems like a good start. Here's what I'll probably write about:

Good, healthy recipe ideas I come up with
Good, unhealthy recipes I come up with
Sharing the meals I am able to pull off with random ingredients found in a college kid's cupboards (and I don't mean Ramen Noodles)
Good and bad restaurants I go to
The random thoughts I contemplate

So that's it for today. I know this is sort of an abrupt end to this post, but I'm going to try and ease into the whole blog-scene. Wouldn't want to over do it on my first day.

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